Movie Lines in 200 s

Top 5 Tarantino

=) Enjoy

Fantastic Mr Fox

Denna bok ska nu bli film.
I regi av Wes Anderson (Darjeeling Limited, Rushmore) och ett cast av bl a Owen Wilson, Bill Murray, Meryl Streep och George Clooney, så kan jag knappt bärga mig tills att se denna på bio.

Ett imponerande projekt måste jag säga. Animationen är otrolig. Allt är på riktigt. Kostym, päls, hår, målning, ritning, skulpturer. Det tog exempelvis hela fyra dagar för o få fram 30sek i film.


Har premiär i jul.

Inglorious Basterds Movie

This is great. This is unbelievable.

I am trying to understand how good this movie is and how wonderfully made it is by the director Quentin Tarantino. I love him more than any director, truly.
Gash, it gave me chills. I was like when I first say Pulp Fiction, and I remember how stunned I was. It this a movie? Did I perhaps just saw the best movie ever, in my life?? Really?

The important thing about Inglorious is that I didn't see one flaw. Not once. Everything was so perfect that it was too much to bare at times.

It is unbelivable, It's great.

I dont need to say it one more time.
But I probably will.

Eli Roth on Jimmy

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